Justin Mayhue

Good news! No matter which guide you select, you will receive a well-rounded tour of the Battle of Antietam. Every guide has researched and walked the fields around Sharpsburg for years.

In addition to a sound overview of the battle, I like to emphasize the human interest stories. Who were the men that were fighting? What type of weapons did they use? What did they witness?

I also like specialty tours. If you had an ancestor who fought with a particular unit, I can highlight that unit during the tour.

I am open to various forms of transportation on tours: cars, buses, bicycle, segways, horses, carriages, and walking.

My interest in the Civil War began as a child. My father would take me to battlefields such as Antietam, Gettysburg, and Shiloh. I always considered Antietam my home battlefield because I live close-by in Hagerstown.

You can’t see the rolling hills and uneven terrain in a book. The best way to learn about the Battle of Antietam is to get out on the field.

If you are having a bad day, just think about the brave soldiers who fought at battles such as Antietam. I have never experienced a day as bad as those soldiers did.

My background includes:

  •        Antietam Battlefield guide since 2007 with over 1,000 tours conducted
  •        Member of the Hagerstown Civil war Round Table for over 30 years, serving as president for three years.
  •        Author of five books, the most recent being “A Civil War Journey: The Letters of John W. Brendel”
  •        Book reviewer for Blue and Gray magazine
  •        Speaker for several Civil War Round Tables and veteran organizations
  •        Retired battalion chief of the Hagerstown Fire Department
  •        Volunteer firefighter with over 40 years of service, including five years as a fire chief

I hope to see you soon!

Justin Mayhue

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