Jason Campbell

Jason Campbell

Jason Campbell

Challenge; what does a mother do to encourage her son to spend less time in front of TV and more time  reading books?

My mother answered that question by taking me to Antietam National Battlefield when I was in the third grade. One simple trip to our local National Park sparked an interest within me that would ignite into a full-blown passion.  How passionate was I at that early age? In third grade art class my fellow students and I used our crayons to create works of art for our classroom walls. Once the masterpieces were taped to the wall, one stood out amongst the group. Rather than use my crayons to depict normal childhood interests such as family, trees or animals; I used my crayons to depict the 9th corps charging across Burnside’s Bridge.

My passion for the Civil War, specifically Antietam, was started with one simple trip to the battlefield. Throughout my life I have read numerous books on the battle of Antietam which only helped to increase my love for history. My love for history followed me into my college days, my final paper was in regards to the battle of Hagerstown, a town ten miles north of Antietam. In 2007 I graduated from Hood College with a degree in history.  In 2010 I became a volunteer at the battlefield which allows me to pass my knowledge of the battlefield onto others. In 2012 I became a battlefield guide, joining an elite group of distinguished gentlemen.

I am proud to say that not only did I have family who lived on the battlefield during the great battle of September 17, 1862, I also had family who fought in the conflict. I had family who fought on both sides of the conflict and within each of the Army organizations; Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery.

It will be an honor and pleasure to give you a tour of the battlefield, I can give the standard tour or customize the tour to your interests. I can also give my specialty tour on Crook’s Brigade where we can follow in the footsteps of Crook’s men as they attacked Burnside’s Bridge and their progress leading up to the final attack.  You can book a tour with me via the museum bookstore by calling 301-432-4329 or 866-461-5180.

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